$147.00 USD

Every month

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BilingualMe Kickstart: 50% Off for New Students!

Unlock a world of fun and learning with BilingualMe! Start your child's bilingual journey today and enjoy 50% off your first month. This limited-time offer is exclusively for new students.

Join our exciting monthly thematic classes designed for children aged 4-8 to learn Spanish naturally. Each week, you'll receive an optional supply list for hands-on participation.

What you'll get:

  • Engaging Spanish lessons with fun, hands-on activities

  • Natural language acquisition through singing, dancing, cooking, science experiments, arts and crafts, and more

  • Flexible schedule with classes three times a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

  • Choose from three convenient times: 4am, 4pm, and 7pm EST

  • One subscription for the whole family to enjoy

Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity! Enroll now and start your child’s bilingual adventure!

Additional Purchase Details: 

  • Offer valid for new students only.
  • The discount applies to the first month of subscription.