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Meet Our Teachers


Dive into a world of learning with our experienced educators who are passionate about bringing knowledge to life. Below, get acquainted with Profe Angie, a cornerstone of our teaching team.


Profe Angie

Educator Profile

With Almost 2000 hours of Tutoring Delivered to Students Across the USA

Specialty Private 1:1 Tutoring Subjects:

Conversational Spanish (Ages 4 and up)

Spanish 1, 2, 3, 4 and Honors

 AP Spanish Language & Culture

College Exam Preparation

Adult Professional Specialty (Medical Terminology)


Group Class Available:

AP Spanish Language & Culture 

Spanish Circle Time

Spanish Elementary Conversational Classes


If this is your first time using Wyzant, please use the following referral link:

Wyzant Referral Link


Small Group Language Learning


Discover the joy of learning Spanish in our fun and engaging small group classes! From lively circle time for the little ones to exciting conversational practice for elementary kids, and even prep for AP exams—our classes are packed with interactive activities and personalized attention. Jump into the adventure anytime and watch your child’s confidence and language skills grow in a supportive, playful environment

AP Spanish Language & Culture

AP Spanish Language and Culture

  • Instructor: Profe Angie
  • Language of Instruction: Spanish
  • Schedule: Mondays at 7:30 PM CST, Thursdays at 5 PM CST or Sundays at 8 PM CST. Choose the day that best fits your schedule.
  • Duration: 50 minutes
  • Frequency: 1x per week
  • Cost: $30 per class/Per Student
  • Class Size: Up to 8 students for focused, interactive learning
  • Join Anytime: Flexible enrollment to jump into learning at your convenience
  • Start Dates: Monday Sept 16 - 7:30 pm CST. Thursday Sept 19 - 5pm CST. Sunday Sept 22nd- 8pm CST
  • Cancellation Policy: Listed on our Wyzant Profile Page (4-hour cancellation policy)
  • Educator's Link: Profe Angie's Profile
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Spanish Circle Time

  • Instructor: Profe Angie
  • Ages: 4-6 years old
  • Language of Instruction: Spanish (English support-when needed)
  • Schedule: Tuesdays at 4 PM CST or Friday's at 4:35 PM CST. Choose the day that best fits your schedule.
  • Duration: 25 minutes
  • Frequency: 1x per week
  • Cost: $18 per class/Per Student
  • Class Size: Up to 5 students for plenty of speaking practice
  •  Join Anytime: Flexible enrollment to jump into learning at your convenience
  • Start Dates: Tuesday Sept 17 - 4pm CST. Friday Sept 27 - 4:35 PM CST.
  • Cancellation Policy: Listed on our Wyzant Profile Page (4-hour cancellation policy)
  • Educator's Link: Profe Angie's Profile
Learn More!

Elementary Spanish Conversational 3-Part Program (Part 1)

  • Instructor: Profe Angie
  • Ages: 7-10 years old
  • Language of Instruction: Spanish (English support-When needed)
  • Schedule: Fridays at 5:15 PM CST or Monday at 5:45 PM CST. Choose the day that best fits your schedule
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Frequency: 1x per week
  • Cost: $25 per class/Per Student
  • Class Size: Up to 5 students for plenty of speaking practice
  • Course Length: 8-week curriculum-based program
  • Fixed Start Dates: Friday Sept 27 - 5:15 PM CST. Monday Sept 30th- 5:45 PM CST
  • Cancellation Policy: Listed on our Wyzant Profile Page (4-hour cancellation policy)
  • Educator's Link: Profe Angie's Profile
Enroll Now!

Profe Carlos

Educator Profile

Over 200 hours of 1:1 Tutoring Delivered to Students Across the USA

Bilingual Tutoring is my Superpower! 


Specialty Private 1:1 Tutoring Subjects:

Elementary CORE Subjects (3rd-5th)

Middle School ELA (6th-8th 

Spanish k12 (Only SPN1 and SPN2)

Conversational Spanish Adults


Group Class Available:

Elementary Bilingual ELA (English/Spanish)

Grade Level: 4th Grade


 If this is your first time using Wyzant, please use the following referral link:

Wyzant Referral Link

Small Group Literacy & Writing Adventures


Dive into the world of reading with our fun and engaging small group classes! From uncovering the magic of stories and enhancing reading comprehension to exploring vocabulary and building a love for literature—our classes are filled with interactive activities and personalized support. Writing activities complement our reading focus, helping students express their thoughts clearly. Jump into the adventure anytime and watch your child’s reading confidence soar in a nurturing, playful environment.

Elementary Bilingual ELA 

  • Instructor: Profe Carlos
  • Language of Instruction: English/Spanish
  • Schedule: Thursdays at 7 PM CST. 
  • Duration: 50 minutes
  • Frequency: 1x per week
  • Cost: $25 per class/Per Student
  • Class Size: Up to 5 students for focused, interactive learning
  • Join Anytime: Flexible enrollment to jump into learning at your convenience
  • Start Dates: Thursday Sept 19 - 7 PM CST
  • Cancellation Policy: Listed on our Wyzant Profile Page (4-hour cancellation policy)
  • Educator's Link: Profe Carlos Profile
Enroll Now!

Frequently Asked Questions


Explore common questions and detailed answers to get a better understanding of how our programs can help you achieve academic excellence. If you have more questions, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]

See what our students are saying!

Great tutor

This was my first lesson with Carlos, he was really great in providing me exactly what training I needed. He uses good training tools and does his best to satisfy his student.

Meyer , 3 lessons with Carlos

Goes Above and Beyond!

My son has had 10 tutoring sessions with Angie, and she has helped him so much with his Spanish 2 high school class. Angie hasgone above and beyond to help my son. One area he struggled the most with was imperfect verbs, and she gave him extra assistance and practice work. Angie’s knowledge and patience has helped my son improve his Spanish grade. She shows genuine kindness and caring toward her students, and my son truly enjoys learning from her.

Jeanne, 47 lessons with Angelica

Motivated And Driven Tutor

Angelica is helping or daughter be more confident with her Spanish speaking. She is very lesson focused and her background in teaching is evident . We are happy to say that we have finally found the right tutor for our daughter

Fabrizio, 99 lessons with Angelica